Eisenstein Series and the Selberg Trace Formula. II

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1987-03-01

Citations: 5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/2000586


The integral of the kernel of the trace formula against an Eisenstein series is investigated.The analytic properties of this integral imply the divisibility of the convolution L-function attached to a form by the zeta function of the field.Introduction.This paper is a sequel and generalization of [12], but can be read independently of that paper; in particular, we will repeat the description of the problem given in the introduction of [12], now, however, in an adelic setting.Let F be a global field, A its ring of adeles, and p0 the representation of PGL(2, A) by right translation on the space of cusp forms Lq(PGL(2, F)\ PGL(2,A)).Given any <p e C00O(PGL(2, A)), the operator p0(y) on this space is of Hilbert-Schmidt type and can be represented by a kernel function K0(x, y) for which an explicit formula of the form K0(x, y) = K(x, y) -Kms(x, y) -Ksp(x, v) is known, where K is given as a sum over PGL(2, F), KKs as an integral involving Eisenstein series, and Ksp as a sum of products of characters.In particular, one can calculate trp0(<p) from the identity trp0(<p) = / K0(x,x)dx;•,PGL(2,f)\PGL(2,A)the result is the Selberg trace formula.What we will do is to calculate instead the integral l(s) = I K0(x,x)E(x,s) dx,•/PGL(2, F)\PGL(2,A)where E(x, s) is an Eisenstein series.Our main result is an identity expressing I(s), roughly speaking, as a finite linear combination of zeta functions of quadratic extensions of F. Since the residue of E(x,s) at s = 1 is a constant function of x, one can in principle recover the Selberg trace formula from this identity by computing the residue of I(s) at s = 1, but the formula for I(s) has other interesting consequences.Most notably, it implies that, as in the special cases treated in [11 and 12], I(s) is divisible by £F(s) or, in other words, that the function K0(x, x) for any <p is orthogonal to the functions E(x, p) for all zeros p of the zeta function of F. A somewhat more precise formulation of the main result is as follows.


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