Explicit Estimates for the Error Term in the Prime Number Theorem for Arithmetic Progressions

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1984-01-01

Citations: 15

DOI: https://doi.org/10.2307/2007579


We give explicit numerical estimates for the Chebyshev functions <¡/(x; k.l) and 9{x; k, I) for certain nonexceptional moduli k.For values of e andb, a constant c is tabulated such that \ip(x; k, I) -x/<p(fc)| < ex/tp(k), provided (&,/) = 1, x > exp(clog2 k), and k > 10*.The methods are similar to those used by Rosser and Schoenfeld in the case k » 1, but are based on explicit estimates of N(T,\) and an explicit zero-free region for Dirichlet /.-functions.


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