The communication complexity of non-signaling distributions

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2011-07-01

Citations: 10



We study a model of communication complexity that encompasses many well-studied problems, including classical and quantum communication complexity, the complexity of simulating distributions arising from bipartite measurements of shared quantum states, and XOR games. In this model, Alice gets an input $x$, Bob gets an input $y$, and their goal is to each produce an output $a,b$ distributed according to some pre-specified joint distribution $p(a,b|x,y)$. Our results apply to any non-signaling distribution, that is, those where Alice's marginal distribution does not depend on Bob's input, and vice versa.~~~By taking a geometric view of the non-signaling distributions, we introduce a simple new technique based on affine combinations of lower-complexity distributions, and we give the first general technique to apply to all these settings, with elementary proofs and very intuitive interpretations. Specifically, we introduce two complexity measures, one which gives lower bounds on classical communication, and one for quantum communication. These measures can be expressed as convex optimization problems. We show that the dual formulations have a striking interpretation, since they coincide with maximum violations of Bell and Tsirelson inequalities. The dual expressions are closely related to the winning probability of XOR games. Despite their apparent simplicity, these lower bounds subsume many known communication complexity lower bound methods, most notably the recent lower bounds of Linial and Shraibman for the special case of Boolean functions. We show that as in the case of Boolean functions, the gap between the quantum and classical lower bounds is at most linear in the size of the support of the distribution, and does not depend on the size of the inputs. This translates into a bound on the gap between maximal Bell and Tsirelson inequality violations, which was previously known only for the case of distributions with Boolean outcomes and uniform marginals. It also allows us to show that for some distributions, information theoretic methods are necessary to prove strong lower bounds. ~~~ Finally, we give an exponential upper bound on quantum and classical communication complexity in the simultaneous messages model, for any non-signaling distribution. One consequence of this is a simple proof that any quantum distribution can be approximated with a constant number of bits of communication.


  • Quantum Information and Computation - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - PDF

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