Sharp estimates for the arithmetic Nullstellensatz

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2001-09-01

Citations: 16



We present sharp estimates for the degree and the height of the polynomials in the Nullstellensatz over the integer ring ℤ. The result improves previous work of P. Philippon, C. Berenstein and A. Yger, and T. Krick and L. M. Pardo. We also present degree and height estimates of intrinsic type, which depend mainly on the degree and the height of the input polynomial system. As an application we derive an effective arithmetic Nullstellensatz for sparse polynomial systems. The proof of these results relies heavily on the notion of local height of an affine variety defined over a number field. We introduce this notion and study its basic properties.


  • Duke Mathematical Journal - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF

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