Classically efficient quantum scalable Fermi-Hubbard benchmark

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2022-04-08

Citations: 3



In order to quantify the relative performance of different test-bed quantum computing devices, it is useful to benchmark them using a common protocol. While some benchmarks rely on the performance of random circuits and are generic in nature, here we instead propose and implement a practical, application-based benchmark. In particular, our protocol calculates the energy of the ground state in the single-particle subspace of a one-dimensional (1D) Fermi Hubbard model, a problem which is efficient to solve classically. We provide a quantum ansatz for the problem that is provably able to probe the full single-particle subspace for a general-length 1D chain and scales efficiently in number of gates and measurements. Finally, we demonstrate and analyze the benchmark performance on superconducting and ion-trap test-bed hardware from three hardware vendors and with up to 24 qubits.


  • Physical review. A/Physical review, A - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
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