On the domain of Cesàro matrix defined by weighted means in ℓ t ( . ) , and its pre-quasi ideal with some applications

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2021-10-14

Citations: 4

DOI: https://doi.org/10.22436/jmcs.026.01.05


In this article, we have constructed the sequence space (Ξ(p, r, t)) υ by the domain of Cesàro matrix defined by weighted means in Nakano sequence space (t l ) , where t = (t l ) and r = (r l ) are sequences of positive reals, and r, t).Some geometric and topological actions of (Ξ(p, r, t)) υ , the multiplication maps stand-in on (Ξ(p, r, t)) υ , and the eigenvalues distribution of operator ideal formed by (Ξ(p, r, t)) υ and s-numbers are discussed.We offer the existence of a fixed point of Kannan contraction operator improvised on these spaces.It is curious that various numerical experiments are introduced to present our results.Moreover, a few gilded applications to the existence of solutions of non-linear difference equations are examined.


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