Three-body bound states of two bosons and one impurity in one dimension

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2021-09-02

Citations: 2



We investigate one-dimensional three-body systems composed of two identical bosons and one mass-imbalanced atom (impurity) with attractive two-body and three-body zero-range interactions. In the absence of three-body interaction, we give a complete phase diagram of the number of three-body bound states in the whole region of mass ratio and the ratio of intra- and intercomponent interaction strength via direct calculation of Skornyakov-Ter-Martirosyan equations. We demonstrate that other low-lying three-body bound states emerge when the mass of the impurity particle is different from other two identical particles. We obtain the binding energies together with the corresponding wave functions. When the mass of impurity atom is very large, there are at most three three-body bound states. In the presence of three-body zero-range interaction, we reveal that weak three-body interaction will not always induce one more three-body bound state. At some special parameter points, arbitrary small three-body interaction can generate one more three-body bound state. This corresponds to the transition of the number of three-body bound states induced only by two-body attractive interaction.


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