Combinatorial and harmonic-analytic methods for integer tilings

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2022-01-01

Citations: 7



Abstract A finite set of integers A tiles the integers by translations if $\mathbb {Z}$ can be covered by pairwise disjoint translated copies of A . Restricting attention to one tiling period, we have $A\oplus B=\mathbb {Z}_M$ for some $M\in \mathbb {N}$ and $B\subset \mathbb {Z}$ . This can also be stated in terms of cyclotomic divisibility of the mask polynomials $A(X)$ and $B(X)$ associated with A and B . In this article, we introduce a new approach to a systematic study of such tilings. Our main new tools are the box product, multiscale cuboids and saturating sets, developed through a combination of harmonic-analytic and combinatorial methods. We provide new criteria for tiling and cyclotomic divisibility in terms of these concepts. As an application, we can determine whether a set A containing certain configurations can tile a cyclic group $\mathbb {Z}_M$ , or recover a tiling set based on partial information about it. We also develop tiling reductions where a given tiling can be replaced by one or more tilings with a simpler structure. The tools introduced here are crucial in our proof in [24] that all tilings of period $(pqr)^2$ , where $p,q,r$ are distinct odd primes, satisfy a tiling condition proposed by Coven and Meyerowitz [2].


  • Forum of Mathematics Pi - View - PDF
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF

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