Type: Preprint
Publication Date: 2020-11-01
Citations: 18
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1109/focs46700.2020.00065
Graph sparsification underlies a large number of algorithms, ranging from approximation algorithms for cut problems to solvers for linear systems in the graph Laplacian. In its strongest form, "spectral sparsification" reduces the number of edges to near-linear in the number of nodes, while approximately preserving the cut and spectral structure of the graph. The breakthrough work by Benczúr and Karger (STOC'96) and Spielman and Teng (STOC'04) showed that sparsification can be done optimally in time near-linear in the number of edges of the original graph. In this work we demonstrate a polynomial quantum speedup for spectral sparsification and many of its applications. In particular, we give a quantum algorithm that, given a weighted graph with n nodes and m edges, outputs a classical description of an ε-spectral sparsifier in sublinear time ~O(√{mn/ε). We prove that this is tight up to polylog-factors. The algorithm builds on a string of existing results, most notably sparsification algorithms by Spielman and Srivastava (STOC'08) and Koutis and Xu (TOPC'16), a spanner construction by Thorup and Zwick (STOC'01), a single-source shortest paths quantum algorithm by Dürr et al. (ICALP'04) and an efficient k-wise independent hash construction by Christiani, Pagh and Thorup (STOC'15). Our algorithm implies a quantum speedup for solving Laplacian systems and for approximating a range of cut problems such as min cut and sparsest cut.