Homeotopy groups of one-dimensional foliations on surfaces

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2017-08-13

Citations: 5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15673/tmgc.v1i10.548

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Let $Z$ be a non-compact two-dimensional manifold obtained from a family of open strips $\mathbb{R}\times(0,1)$ with boundary intervals by gluing those strips along their boundary intervals. Every such strip has a foliation into parallel lines $\mathbb{R}\times t$, $t\in(0,1)$, and boundary intervals, whence we get a foliation $\Delta$ on all of $Z$. Many types of foliations on surfaces with leaves homeomorphic to the real line have such "striped" structure. That fact was discovered by W. Kaplan (1940-41) for foliations on the plane $\mathbb{R}^2$ by level-set of pseudo-harmonic functions $\mathbb{R}^2 \to \mathbb{R}$ without singularities. Previously, the first two authors studied the homotopy type of the group $\mathcal{H}(\Delta)$ of homeomorphisms of $Z$ sending leaves of $\Delta$ onto leaves, and shown that except for two cases the identity path component $\mathcal{H}_{0}(\Delta)$ of $\mathcal{H}(\Delta)$ is contractible. The aim of the present paper is to show that the quotient $\mathcal{H}(\Delta)/ \mathcal{H}_{0}(\Delta)$ can be identified with the group of automorphisms of a certain graph with additional structure encoding the "combinatorics" of gluing.


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