Sequential Implementation of Monte Carlo Tests With Uniformly Bounded Resampling Risk

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2009-12-01

Citations: 40



This paper introduces an open-ended sequential algorithm for computing the p-value of a test using Monte Carlo simulation. It guarantees that the resampling risk, the probability of a different decision than the one based on the theoretical p-value, is uniformly bounded by an arbitrarily small constant. Previously suggested sequential or non-sequential algorithms, using a bounded sample size, do not have this property. Although the algorithm is open-ended, the expected number of steps is finite, except when the p-value is on the threshold between rejecting and not rejecting. The algorithm is suitable as standard for implementing tests that require (re-)sampling. It can also be used in other situations: to check whether a test is conservative, iteratively to implement double bootstrap tests, and to determine the sample size required for a certain power.


  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
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  • Journal of the American Statistical Association - View

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