Quantum geometric Langlands correspondence in positive characteristic: The GLN case

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2016-02-19

Citations: 11

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3449780

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We prove a version of quantum geometric Langlands conjecture in characteristic $p$. Namely, we construct an equivalence of certain localizations of derived categories of twisted crystalline $\mathcal D$-modules on the stack of rank $N$ vector bundles on an algebraic curve $C$ in characteristic $p$. The twisting parameters are related in the way predicted by the conjecture, and are assumed to be irrational (i.e., not in $\mathbb F_p$). We thus extend the results of arXiv:math/0602255 concerning the similar problem for the usual (non-quantum) geometric Langlands. In the course of the proof, we introduce a generalization of $p$-curvature for line bundles with non-flat connections, define quantum analogs of Hecke functors in characteristic $p$ and construct a Liouville vector field on the space of de Rham local systems on $C$.


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