The Big Bang is a Coordinate Singularity for $$k = -1$$ Inflationary FLRW Spacetimes

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-03-02

Citations: 9


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We show that the big bang is a coordinate singularity for a large class of $k = -1$ inflationary FLRW spacetimes which we have dubbed 'Milne-like.' By introducing a new set of coordinates, the big bang appears as a past boundary of the universe where the metric is no longer degenerate -- a result which has already been investigated in the context of vacuum decay [12]. We generalize their results and approach the problem from a more mathematical perspective. Similar to how investigating the geometrical properties of the $r = 2m$ event horizon in Schwarzschild led to a better understanding of black holes, we believe that investigating the geometrical properties of the big bang coordinate singularity for Milne-like spacetimes could lead to a better understanding of cosmology. We show how the mathematics of these spacetimes may help illuminate certain issues associated with dark energy, dark matter, and the universe's missing antimatter.


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