Control in the Spaces of Ensembles of Points

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-01-01

Citations: 21



We study the controlled dynamics of the ensembles of points of a Riemannian manifold $M$. Parameterized ensemble of points of $M$ is the image of a continuous map $\gamma:\Theta \to M$, where $\Theta$ is a compact set of parameters. The dynamics of ensembles is defined by the action $\gamma(\theta) \mapsto P_t(\gamma(\theta))$ of the semigroup of diffeomorphisms $P_t:M \to M, \ t \in \mathbb{R}$, generated by the controlled equation $\dot{x}=f(x,u(t))$ on $M$. Therefore, any control system on $M$ defines a control system on (generally infinite-dimensional) space $\mathcal{E}_\Theta(M)$ of the ensembles of points. We wish to establish criteria of controllability for such control systems. As in our previous work [A. Agrachev, Y. Baryshnikov, and A. Sarychev, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var., 22 (2016), pp. 921--938], we seek to adapt the Lie-algebraic approach of geometric control theory to the infinite-dimensional setting. We study the case of finite ensembles and prove the genericity of the exact controllability property for them. We also find a sufficient approximate controllability criterion for continual ensembles and prove a result on motion planning in the space of flows on $M$. We discuss the relation of the obtained controllability criteria to various versions of the Rashevsky--Chow theorem for finite- and infinite-dimensional manifolds.


  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • Florence Research (University of Florence) - View - PDF
  • SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization - View

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