Nonequilibrium scenarios in cluster-forming quantum lattice models

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-06-01

Citations: 10


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We investigate the out-of-equilibrium physics of monodisperse bosonic ensembles on a square lattice. The effective Hamiltonian description of these systems is given in terms of an extended Hubbard model with cluster-forming interactions relevant to experimental realizations with cold Rydberg-dressed atoms. The ground state of the model, recently investigated in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 045301 (2019)], features, aside from a superfluid and a stripe crystalline phase occurring at small and large interaction strength $V$, respectively, a rare first-order transition between an isotropic and an anisotropic stripe supersolid at intermediate $V$. By means of quantum Monte Carlo calculations we show that the equilibrium crystal may be turned into a glass by simulated temperature quenches and that out-of-equilibrium isotropic (super)solid states may emerge also when their equilibrium counterparts are anisotropic. These out-of-equilibrium states are of experimental interest, their excess energy with respect to the ground state being within the energy window typically accessed in cold atom experiments. We find, after quenching, no evidence of coexistence between superfluid and glassy behavior. Such an absence of superglassiness is qualitatively explained.


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