Pattern formation and chimera states in 2D SQUID metamaterials

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-01-01

Citations: 16



The Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) is a highly nonlinear oscillator with rich dynamical behavior, including chaos. When driven by a time-periodic magnetic flux, the SQUID exhibits extreme multistability at frequencies around the geometric resonance, which is manifested by a “snakelike” form of the resonance curve. Repeating motifs of SQUIDs form metamaterials, i.e., artificially structured media of weakly coupled discrete elements that exhibit extraordinary properties, e.g., negative diamagnetic permeability. We report on the emergent collective dynamics in two-dimensional lattices of coupled SQUID oscillators, which involves a rich menagerie of spatiotemporal dynamics, including Turing-like patterns and chimera states. Using Fourier analysis, we characterize these patterns and identify characteristic spatial and temporal periods. In the low coupling limit, the Turing-like patterns occur near the synchronization-desynchronization transition, which can be related to the bifurcation scenarios of the single SQUID. Chimeras emerge due to the multistability near the geometric resonance, and by varying the dc component of the external force, we can make them appear and reappear and, also, control their location. A detailed analysis of the parameter space reveals the coexistence of Turing-like patterns and chimera states in our model, as well as the ability to transform between these states by varying the system parameters.


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