Face numbers of sequentially Cohen–Macaulay complexes and Betti numbers of componentwise linear ideals

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2017-11-20

Citations: 3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.4171/jems/755


A numerical characterization is given of the h -triangles of sequentially Cohen–Macaulay simplicial complexes. This result determines the number of faces of various dimensions and codimensions that are possible in such a complex, generalizing the classical Macaulay–Stanley theorem to the nonpure case. Moreover, we characterize the possible Betti tables of componentwise linear ideals. A key tool in our investigation is a bijection between shifted multicomplexes of degree ≤ d and shifted pure (d–1) -dimensional simplicial complexes


  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • Journal of the European Mathematical Society - View

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