Local Structure of Hyperkähler Singularities in O'Grady's Examples

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2007-01-01

Citations: 36

DOI: https://doi.org/10.17323/1609-4514-2007-7-4-653-672


We study the local structure of the singularity in the moduli space of sheaves on a K3 surface which has been resolved by K. O’Grady in his construction of new examples of hyperkaehler manifolds. In particular, we identify the singularity with the closure of a certain nilpotent orbit in the coadjoint representation of the group Sp(4). We also prove that the moduli spaces for some other sets of numerical parameters do not admit a smooth symplectic resolution of singularities. 2000 Math. Subj. Class. 14D20.


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