Circuit QED lattices: Towards quantum simulation with superconducting circuits

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2013-04-26

Citations: 165



Abstract The Jaynes‐Cummings model describes the coupling between photons and a single two‐level atom in a simplified representation of light‐matter interactions. In circuit QED, this model is implemented by combining microwave resonators and superconducting qubits on a microchip with unprecedented experimental control. Arranging qubits and resonators in the form of a lattice realizes a new kind of Hubbard model, the Jaynes‐Cummings‐Hubbard model, in which the elementary excitations are polariton quasi‐particles. Due to the genuine openness of photonic systems, circuit QED lattices offer the possibility to study the intricate interplay of collective behavior, strong correlations and non‐equilibrium physics. Thus, turning circuit QED into an architecture for quantum simulation, i.e., using a well‐controlled system to mimic the intricate quantum behavior of another system too daunting for a theorist to tackle head‐on, is an exciting idea which has served as theorists’ playground for a while and is now also starting to catch on in experiments. This review gives a summary of the most recent theoretical proposals and experimental efforts.


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