35-plet baryons from chiral soliton models

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2004-11-24

Citations: 3

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.70.094042


We investigate the 35-plet baryons from the chiral soliton models. We find that the coupling constant for the decay of 35-plet baryons with spin 3/2 to the decuplet baryons is surprisingly small, but that for the decay to 27-plet baryons with spin 3/2 is larger. We give all the masses and widths of 35-plet baryons with spin 5/2 and suggest candidates for all nonexotic members from the available particle listings. We also focus on $\Delta_{5/2}$ and $\Theta_2$, which are the lightest two baryons of 35-plet with spin 5/2 and with simplest minimal pentaquark configurations. Calculations show that $\Gamma_{\Delta_{5/2}}<$380 MeV, compared with the results from SU(2) Skyrme Model ($\Gamma_{\Delta_{5/2}}>$800 MeV), and $\Gamma_{\Theta_{2}}<100$ MeV if we assume that their widths are dominated by two-body decay and that $\Theta^+$ has a width $\Gamma_{\Theta^+}<25$ MeV.


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