Integrated Analysis of Performance and Resources in Large-Scale Quantum Computing

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2020-05-14

Citations: 8



To see the feasibility of a large-scale quantum computing, it is required to accurately analyze the performance and the quantum resource. However, most of the analysis reported so far have focused on the statistical examination, i.e., simply calculating the performance and resource based on individual data, and even worse usually only a few components have been considered. In this work, to achieve more exact analysis, we propose an integrated analysis method for a practical quantum computing model with three components (\textit{algorithm}, \textit{error correction} and \textit{device}) under a realistic quantum computer system architecture. To implement the above method, we develop a quantum computing framework composed of three functional layers: compile, system and building block. This framework can support, for the first time, the mapping of quantum algorithm from physical qubit level to system architecture level with a given fault-tolerant scheme. Therefore, the proposed method can measure the effect of dynamic situation when the quantum computer practically runs. By using our method, we found that Shor algorithm to factorize 512-bit integer requires $8.78\times 10^ 5$ hours. We also show how the proposed method can be used for analyzing optimal concatenation level and code distance of fault-tolerant quantum computing.


  • Physical Review Applied - View
  • arXiv (Cornell University) - View - PDF
  • DataCite API - View

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