How unique is Lovász's theta function?

Type: Preprint

Publication Date: 2014-12-08

Citations: 0


The famous Lovasz's ϑ function is computable in polynomial time for every graph, as a semi-definite program (Grotschel, Lovasz and Schrijver, 1981). The chromatic number and the clique number of every perfect graph G are computable in polynomial time. Despite numerous efforts since the last three decades, stimulated by the Strong Perfect Graph Theo-rem (Chudnovsky, Robertson, Seymour and Thomas, 2006), no combinatorial proof of this result is known. In this work, we try to understand why the key properties of Lovasz's ϑ function make it so unique. We introduce an infinite set of convex functions, which includes the clique number ω and ϑ . This set includes a sequence of linear programs which are monotone increasing and converging to ϑ . We provide some evidences that ϑ is the unique function in this setting allowing to compute the chromatic number of perfect graphs in polynomial time.


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