Charged compact boson stars and shells in the presence of a cosmological constant

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2016-12-27

Citations: 22



In this work, we study the boson stars and boson shells in a theory involving massive complex scalar fields coupled to the U(1) gauge field and gravity in a conical potential in the presence of a cosmological constant $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$ which we treat as a free parameter taking positive and negative values and thereby allowing us to study the theory in the de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces respectively. Boson stars are found to come in two types, having either ball-like or shell-like charge density. We have studied the properties of these solutions and have also determined their domains of existence for some specific values of the parameters of the theory. Similar solutions have also been obtained by Kleihaus et al. in a theory involving massless complex scalar fields coupled to the U(1) gauge field and gravity in a conical potential in the absence of a cosmological constant $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Lambda}}$.


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