Type: Article
Publication Date: 2016-08-25
Citations: 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3847/2041-8205/828/1/l4
Recently, Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (aLIGO) detected gravitational wave (GW) transients from mergers of binary black holes (BHs). The system may also produce a wide-angle, relativistic outflow if the claimed short GRB detected by GBM is in real association with GW 150914. It was suggested that mergers of double neutron stars (or neutron star-black hole binaries), another promising source of GW transients, also produce fast, wide-angle outflows. In this paper, we calculate the high-energy gamma-ray emission arising from the blast waves driven by these wide-angle outflows. We find that TeV emission arising from the inverse-Compton process in the relativistic outflow resulted from mergers of binary BHs similar to those in GW 150914 could be detectable by ground-based IACT telescopes such as Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) if the sources occur in { a dense medium with density $n > 0.3 cm^{-3}$}. For neutron star-neutron star (NS-NS) and NS-BH mergers, TeV emission from the wide-angle, mildly-relativistic outflow could be detected as well if they occur in a dense medium {with $n > 10-100 cm^{-3}$.} Thus TeV afterglow emission would be a useful probe of the environment of the GW transients, which could shed light on the evolution channels of the progenitors of GW transients.