Algebraic Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry

Type: Book

Publication Date: 2002-01-01

Citations: 18



Ramification theory for higher dimensional local fields by V. Abrashkin Unramified correspondences by F. Bogomolov and Y. Tschinkel Local Leopoldt's problem for ideals in totally ramified $p$-extensions of complete discrete valuation fields by M. V. Bondarko Quotients of algebraic varieties by Zariski dense equivalence relations by A. Buium A note on arithmetic topology and dynamical systems by C. Deninger A relation between two moduli spaces studied by V. G. Drinfeld by G. Faltings An invariant for varieties in positive characteristic by G. van der Geer and T. Katsura Honda groups and explicit pairings on the modules of Cartier curves by F. Lorenz and S. Vostokov Algebraic oriented cohomology theories by A. Merkurjev Hyperelliptic Jacobians without complex multiplication, doubly transitive permutation groups and projective representations by Y. G. Zarhin Ramification of surfaces: Artin-Schreier extensions by I. Zhukov.


  • Contemporary mathematics - American Mathematical Society - View - PDF

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