The slice spectral sequence for singular schemes and applications

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2018-12-18

Citations: 5



We examine the slice spectral sequence for the cohomology of singular schemes with respect to various motivic T-spectra, especially the motivic cobordism spectrum. When the base field k admits resolution of singularities and X is a scheme of finite type over k, we show that Voevodsky's slice filtration leads to a spectral sequence for MGL(X) whose terms are the motivic cohomology groups of X defined using the cdh-hypercohomology. As a consequence, we establish an isomorphism between certain geometric parts of the motivic cobordism and motivic cohomology of X. A similar spectral sequence for the connective K-theory leads to a cycle class map from the motivic cohomology to the homotopy invariant K-theory of X. We show that this cycle class map is injective for projective schemes. We also deduce applications to the torsion in the motivic cohomology of singular schemes.


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