Nonlocalized cluster dynamics and nuclear molecular structure

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2014-03-26

Citations: 59


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A container picture is proposed for understanding cluster dynamics where the clusters make nonlocalized motion occupying the lowest orbit of the cluster mean-field potential characterized by the size parameter $``B"$ in the THSR (Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-R\"{o}pke) wave function. The nonlocalized cluster aspects of the inversion-doublet bands in $^{20}$Ne which have been considered as a typical manifestation of localized clustering are discussed. So far unexplained puzzling features of the THSR wave function, namely that after angular-momentum projection for two cluster systems the prolate THSR wave function is almost 100$\%$ equivalent to an oblate THSR wave function is clarified. It is shown that the true intrinsic two-cluster THSR configuration is nonetheless prolate. The proposal of the container picture is based on the fact that typical cluster systems, 2$\alpha$, 3$\alpha$, and $\alpha$+$^{16}$O, are all well described by a single THSR wave function. It will be shown for the case of linear-chain states with two and three $\alpha$-clusters as well as for the $\alpha$+$^{16}$O system that localization is entirely of kinematical origin, that is, due to the inter-cluster Pauli repulsion. It is concluded that this feature is general for nuclear cluster states.


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