CPI-Extensions: Overrings of Integral Domains with Special Prime Spectrums

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1977-08-01

Citations: 107

DOI: https://doi.org/10.4153/cjm-1977-076-6


Throughout this paper the term ring will denote a commutative ring with unity and the term integral domain will denote a ring having no nonzero divisors of zero. The set of all prime ideals of a ring R can be viewed as a topological space, called the prime spectrum of R, and abbreviated Spec (R), where the topology used is the Zariski topology [1, Definition 4, § 4.3, p. 99]. The set of all prime ideals of R can also be viewed simply as aposet - that is, a partially ordered set - with respect to set inclusion. We will use the phrase the pospec of R, or just Pospec (/v), to refer to this partially ordered set.


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