Type: Article
Publication Date: 2016-04-11
Citations: 7
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.93.140404
Current control of magnetism, especially in multilayer thin films, hold great promise for applications in spintronics. Efficient control can be achieved using spin-orbit torques originating from either the spin Hall effect or the Rashba effect. In the context of spin waves, direct current pass through a heavy metal/ferromagnetic bilayer may be used to reduce/amplify damping or shift the resonant field. The effective field or damping introduced by the spin Hall or the Rashba effects depends on the current linearly, reversing the sign with a direct current in the opposite direction. The authors of this study report unexpected symmetric magnetic resonance shifts for spin waves passing through a CoFeB/Ta waveguide. This second-order effect arises from the dc modified magnetic anisotropy via anisotropic stress introduced between the substrate and the bilayer. Similar current-induced magnetoelastic effects may be relevant in many ferromagnetic heterostructures subject to large direct current.