(Almost) C*-algebras as sheaves with self-action

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2017-09-26

Citations: 4

DOI: https://doi.org/10.4171/jncg/11-3-9


Via Gelfand duality, a unital C*-algebra A induces a functor from compact Hausdorff spaces to sets, \mathsf{CHaus}\to\mathsf{Set} . We show how this functor encodes standard functional calculus in A as well as its multivariate generalization. Certain sheaf conditions satisfied by this functor provide a further generalization of functional calculus. Considering such sheaves \mathsf{CHaus}\to\mathsf{Set} abstractly, we prove that the piecewise C*- algebras of van den Berg and Heunen are equivalent to a full subcategory of the category of sheaves, where a simple additional constraint characterizes the objects in the subcategory. It is open whether this additional constraint holds automatically, in which case piecewise C*-algebras would be the same as sheaves \mathsf{CHaus}\to\mathsf{Set} . Intuitively, these structures capture the commutative aspects of C*-algebra theory. In order to find a complete reaxiomatization of unital C*-algebras within this language, we introduce almost C*- algebras as piecewise C*-algebras equipped with a notion of inner automorphisms in terms of a self-action . We provide some evidence for the conjecture that the forgetful functor from unital C*-algebras to almost C*-algebras is fully faithful, and ask whether it is an equivalence of categories. We also develop an analogous notion of \emph{almost group}, and prove that the forgetful functor from groups to almost groups is not full. In terms of quantum physics, our work can be seen as an attempt at a reconstruction of quantum theory from physically meaningful axioms, as realized by Hardy and others in a different framework. Our ideas are inspired by and also provide new input for the topos-theoretic approach to quantum theory.


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