Black Holes in the Dilatonic Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet Theory in Various Dimensions. III: Asymptotically AdS Black Holes with k = 1

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2009-05-01

Citations: 40



We study black hole solutions in the Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with the dilaton and a negative "cosmological constant". We derive the field equations for the static spherically symmetric (k = 1) and hyperbolically symmetric (k = −1) spacetime in general D dimensions. The system has some scaling symmetries which are used in our analysis of the solutions. Nontrivial asymptotically AdS solutions are obtained numerically in D = 4 − 6 and 10 dimensional spacetimes. For spherically symmetric solutions, there is the minimum horizon radius below which no solution exists in D = 4 − 6. However in D = 10, there is not such lower bound but the solution continues to exist to zero horizon size. For hyperbolically symmetric solution, there is the minimum horizon radius in all dimensions. Our solutions can be used for investigations of the boundary theory through AdS/CFT correspondence. We also discuss the possible fate of these black hole solutions.


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