Short-range three-nucleon forces and low-energy constants

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2004-03-25

Citations: 8



The 3N forces due to pi-rho, pi-sigma and pi-omega exchanges following from the nucleon Born diagrams and diagrams with an intermediate N^{*}(1440) are re-analyzed. The cancellation between pi-sigma and pi-omega forces is rather sensitive to the values of the coupling constants and to the form of the piNN vertex. Experimental uncertainties in the parameters of the TM pi-pi potential are assessed. They lead to uncertainties in theoretical predictions of the triton binding energy of about 0.4 MeV. The low-energy limit of pi-sigma and pi-omega potentials is performed. It defines the coupling constants of effective contact piNNNN vertices, which are compared with the corresponding contact vertices of Chiral Perturbation Theory.


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