Type: Article
Publication Date: 2012-11-23
Citations: 15
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/s0305004112000606
Abstract Let A ⊃ ℤ be an integral domain which is finitely generated over ℤ and let a,b,c be non-zero elements of A . Extending earlier work of Siegel, Mahler and Parry, in 1960 Lang proved that the equation (*) a ϵ + b η = c in ϵ, η ∈ A * has only finitely many solutions. Using Baker's theory of logarithmic forms, Győry proved, in 1979, that the solutions of (*) can be determined effectively if A is contained in an algebraic number field. In this paper we prove, in a quantitative form, an effective finiteness result for equations (*) over an arbitrary integral domain A of characteristic 0 which is finitely generated over ℤ. Our main tools are already existing effective finiteness results for (*) over number fields and function fields, an effective specialization argument developed by Győry in the 1980's, effective results of Hermann (1926) and Seidenberg (1974) on linear equations over polynomial rings over fields, and similar such results by Aschenbrenner, from 2004, on linear equations over polynomial rings over ℤ. We prove also an effective result for the exponential equation a γ 1 v 1 ···γ s v s + b γ 1 w 1 ··· γ s w s = c in integers v 1 ,…, w s , where a,b,c and γ 1 ,…,γ s are non-zero elements of A .