Type: Article
Publication Date: 2017-01-11
Citations: 1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.13069/jacodesmath.284954
A $*$-ring $R$ is called {\em strongly nil $*$-clean} if every element of $R$ is the sum of a projection and a nilpotent element that commute with each other. In this paper we investigate some properties of strongly nil $*$-rings and prove that $R$ is a strongly nil $*$-clean ring if and only if every idempotent in $R$ is a projection, $R$ is periodic, and $R/J(R)$ is Boolean. We also prove that a $*$-ring $R$ is commutative, strongly nil $*$-clean and every primary ideal is maximal if and only if every element of $R$ is a projection.