On the transport and concentration of enstrophy in 3D magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2013-07-17

Citations: 7

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0951-7715/26/8/2373


Working directly from the 3D magnetohydrodynamical equations and entirely in physical scales we formulate a scenario wherein the enstrophy flux exhibits cascade-like properties. In particular we show the inertially driven transport of current and vorticity enstrophy is from larger to smaller scale structures and this inter-scale transfer is local and occurs at a nearly constant rate. This process is reminiscent of the direct cascades exhibited by certain ideal invariants in turbulent plasmas. Our results are consistent with the physically and numerically supported picture that current and vorticity concentrate on small-scale, coherent structures.


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