Representations of fundamental groups of manifolds with a semisimple transformation group

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1989-01-01

Citations: 36



group ? 1 (M) , and the Lie groups that can act on M. More precisely, let G be a connected semisimple Lie group of higher real rank, and suppose G acts continuously on a (topological) manifold M, preserving a finite measure. The main theme of this paper is that the representation theory of 7r I(M) in low dimensions is to a large extent controlled by that of G (the latter of course being well understood). In particular, under natural hypotheses (e.g., that the action of G on M is engaging, i.e., there is no loss of ergodicity in passing to finite covers; see Definition 3.1 below), we prove that if G has no nontrivial


  • Journal of the American Mathematical Society - View - PDF

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