Achieving a BCS Transition in an Atomic Fermi Gas

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2004-04-15

Citations: 110



We consider a gas of cold fermionic atoms having two spin components with interactions characterized by their $s$-wave scattering length $a$. At positive scattering length the atoms form weakly bound bosonic molecules which can be evaporatively cooled to undergo Bose-Einstein condensation, whereas at negative scattering length BCS pairing can take place. It is shown that, by adiabatically tuning the scattering length $a$ from positive to negative values, one may transform the molecular Bose-Einstein condensate into a highly degenerate atomic Fermi gas, with the ratio of temperature to Fermi temperature $T/{T}_{F}\ensuremath{\sim}{10}^{\ensuremath{-}2}$. The corresponding critical final value of ${k}_{F}|a|$, which leads to the BCS transition, is found to be about one-half, where ${k}_{F}$ is the Fermi momentum.


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