Spin-polarized transport through weakly coupled double quantum dots in the Coulomb-blockade regime

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2007-05-25

Citations: 16

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevb.75.195339


We analyze cotunneling transport through two quantum dots in series weakly coupled to external ferromagnetic leads. In the Coulomb-blockade regime, the electric current flows due to third-order tunneling, while the second-order single-barrier processes have indirect impact on the current by changing the occupation probabilities of the double dot system. We predict a zero-bias maximum in the differential conductance, whose magnitude is conditioned by the value of the interdot Coulomb interaction. This maximum is present in both magnetic configurations of the system and results from asymmetry in cotunneling through different virtual states. Furthermore, we show that tunnel magnetoresistance exhibits a distinctively different behavior depending on temperature, being rather independent of the value of interdot correlation. Moreover, we find negative tunnel magnetoresistance in some range of the bias voltage.


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