On Stochastic Equations with Measurable Coefficients Driven by Symmetric Stable Processes

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2012-01-29

Citations: 1

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2012/258415


We consider a one-dimensional stochastic equation , , with respect to a symmetric stable process of index . It is shown that solving this equation is equivalent to solving of a 2-dimensional stochastic equation with respect to the semimartingale and corresponding matrix . In the case of we provide new sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions of both equations with measurable coefficients. The existence proofs are established using the method of Krylov's estimates for processes satisfying the 2-dimensional equation. On another hand, the Krylov's estimates are based on some analytical facts of independent interest that are also proved in the paper.


  • International Journal of Stochastic Analysis - View - PDF

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