Energy-level statistics of interacting trapped bosons

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2012-07-23

Citations: 9



It is a well-established fact that statistical properties of energy-level spectra are the most efficient tool to characterize nonintegrable quantum systems. The statistical behavior of different systems such as complex atoms, atomic nuclei, two-dimensional Hamiltonians, quantum billiards, and noninteracting many bosons has been studied. The study of statistical properties and spectral fluctuations in interacting many-boson systems has developed interest in this direction. We are especially interested in weakly interacting trapped bosons in the context of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) as the energy spectrum shows a transition from a collective nature to a single-particle nature with an increase in the number of levels. However this has received less attention as it is believed that the system may exhibit Poisson-like fluctuations due to the existence of an external harmonic trap. Here we compute numerically the energy levels of the zero-temperature many-boson systems which are weakly interacting through the van der Waals potential and are confined in the three-dimensional harmonic potential. We study the nearest-neighbor spacing distribution and the spectral rigidity by unfolding the spectrum. It is found that an increase in the number of energy levels for repulsive BEC induces a transition from a Wigner-like form displaying level repulsion to the Poisson distribution for $P(s)$. It does not follow the Gaussian orthogonal ensemble prediction. For repulsive interaction, the lower levels are correlated and manifest level-repulsion. For intermediate levels $P(s)$ shows mixed statistics, which clearly signifies the existence of two energy scales: external trap and interatomic interaction, whereas for very high levels the trapping potential dominates, generating a Poisson distribution. Comparison with mean-field results for lower levels are also presented. For attractive BEC near the critical point we observe the Shnirelman-like peak near $s=0$, which signifies the presence of a large number of quasidegenerate states.


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