Type: Article
Publication Date: 2012-06-13
Citations: 14
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/imrn/rns136
This is the second part of a study of the limiting distributions of the top eigenvalues of a Hermitian matrix model with spiked external source under a general external potential. The case when the external source is of rank 1 was analyzed in an earlier paper. In the present paper, we extend the analysis to the higher rank case. If all the eigenvalues of the external source are less than a critical value, the largest eigenvalue converges to the right end-point of the support of the equilibrium measure as in the case when there is no external source. On the other hand, if an external source eigenvalue is larger than the critical value, then an eigenvalue is pulled off from the support of the equilibrium measure. This transition is continuous and is universal, including the fluctuation laws, for convex potentials. For nonconvex potentials, two types of discontinuous transitions are possible to occur generically. We evaluate the limiting distributions in each case for general potentials, including those whose equilibrium measure have multiple intervals for their support.