Existence for an Unsteady Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2000-05-01

Citations: 134

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/m2an:2000159


We study the well-posedness of an unsteady fluid-structure interaction problem. We consider a viscous incompressible flow, which is modelled by the Navier-Stokes equations. The structure is a collection of rigid moving bodies. The fluid domain depends on time and is defined by the position of the structure, itself resulting from a stress distribution coming from the fluid. The problem is then nonlinear and the equations we deal with are coupled. We prove its local solvability in time through two fixed point procedures.


  • ESAIM Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - View - PDF
  • Springer Link (Chiba Institute of Technology) - View - PDF
  • French digital mathematics library (Numdam) - View - PDF

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