First Passage Percolation for Random Colorings of $\mathbb{Z}^d$

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1993-08-01

Citations: 50



Random colorings (independent or dependent) of $\mathbb{Z}^d$ give rise to dependent first-passage percolation in which the passage time along a path is the number of color changes. Under certain conditions, we prove strict positivity of the time constant (and a corresponding asymptotic shape result) by means of a theorem of Cox, Gandolfi, Griffin and Kesten about "greedy" lattice animals. Of particular interest are i.i.d. colorings and the $d = 2$ Ising model. We also apply the greedy lattice animal theorem to prove a result on the omnipresence of the infinite cluster in high density independent bond percolation.


  • The Annals of Applied Probability - View - PDF

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