Arbitrary unitarily invariant random matrix ensembles and supersymmetry

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2006-10-04

Citations: 31



We generalize the supersymmetry method in Random Matrix Theory to arbitrary rotation invariant ensembles. Our exact approach further extends a previous contribution in which we constructed a supersymmetric representation for the class of norm-dependent Random Matrix Ensembles. Here, we derive a supersymmetric formulation under very general circumstances. A projector is identified that provides the mapping of the probability density from ordinary to superspace. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that setting up the theory in Fourier superspace has considerable advantages. General and exact expressions for the correlation functions are given. We also show how the use of hyperbolic symmetry can be circumvented in the present context in which the non-linear sigma model is not used. We construct exact supersymmetric integral representations of the correlation functions for arbitrary positions of the imaginary increments in the Green functions.


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