On the evaluation formula for Jack polynomials with prescribed symmetry

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2001-10-08

Citations: 5

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1088/0305-4470/34/41/302


The Jack polynomials with prescribed symmetry are obtained from the nonsymmetric polynomials via the operations of symmetrization, antisymmetrization and normalization. After dividing out the corresponding antisymmetric polynomial of smallest degree, a symmetric polynomial results. Of interest in applications is the value of the latter polynomial when all the variables are set equal. Dunkl has obtained this evaluation, making use of a certain skew symmetric operator. We introduce a simpler operator for this purpose, thereby obtaining a new derivation of the evaluation formula. An expansion formula of a certain product in terms of Jack polynomials with prescribed symmetry implied by the evaluation formula is used to derive a generalization of a constant term identity due to Macdonald, Kadell and Kaneko. Although we don't give the details in this work, the operator introduced here can be defined for any reduced crystallographic root system, and used to provide an evaluation formula for the corresponding Heckman-Opdam polynomials with prescribed symmetry.


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