Type: Review
Publication Date: 2012-01-01
Citations: 157
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1090/s0273-0979-2012-01379-4
Numerical methods were first put into use as an effective tool for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) by John von Neumann in the mid-1940s. In a 1949 letter von Neumann wrote "the entire computing machine is merely one component of a greater whole, namely, of the unity formed by the computing machine, the mathematical problems that go with it, and the type of planning which is called by both." The "greater whole" is viewed today as scientific computation: over the past sixty years, scientific computation has emerged as the most versatile tool to complement theory and experiments, and numerical methods for solving PDEs are at the heart of many of today's advanced scientific computations. Numerical solutions found their way from financial models on Wall Street to traffic models on Main Street. Here we provide a bird's eye view on the development of these numerical methods with a particular emphasis on nonlinear PDEs.