The mod-<i>p</i> cohomology rings of some <i>p</i>-groups

Type: Article

Publication Date: 1992-07-01

Citations: 27



Throughout this paper p denotes an odd prime. The groups we shall consider are central extensions of a cyclic subgroup by C p ⊕ C p , and may be presented as The group P(n) is defined for each n ≥ 3, and has order p n . The group P (3) is the non-abelian group of order p 3 and exponent p . The mod- p cohomology rings of the other groups of order p 3 have been known for some time (see [ 14 ] or [ 5 ] for that of the non-abelian metacyclic group), and so this paper completes the calculation of the mod- p cohomology rings of the groups of order p 3 .


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