Effect of a Single Localized Impurity on the Local Density of States in Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2008-02-20

Citations: 120

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.100.076601


We use the T-matrix approximation to analyze the effect of a localized impurity on the local density of states in monolayer and bilayer graphene. For monolayer graphene the Friedel oscillations generated by intranodal scattering obey an inverse-square law, while the internodal ones obey an inverse law. In the Fourier transform this translates into a filled circle of high intensity in the center of the Brillouin zone, and empty circular contours around its corners. For bilayer graphene both types of oscillations obey an inverse law.


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