Nestings of Matchings and Permutations and North Steps in PDSAWs

Type: Article

Publication Date: 2008-01-01

Citations: 7



We present a simple bijective proof of the fact that matchings of $[2n]$ with N nestings are equinumerous to $\textit{partially directed self avoiding walks}$ confined to the symmetric wedge defined by $y= \pm x$, with $n$ east steps and $N$ north steps. A very similar construction connects permutations with $N$ nestings and $\textit{PDSAWs}$ remaining below the $x$-axis, again with $N$ north steps. Furthermore, both bijections transport several combinatorially meaningful parameters.


  • Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science - View - PDF
  • HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe) - View - PDF

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