Type: Article
Publication Date: 1967-09-01
Citations: 21
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2140/pjm.1967.22.543
In this paper, the regularity of the solution of the initial value problem for the abstract evolution equation (o.i) 4r + A (t)u = /(*) > % (°) e x > at and the associated homogeneous equation (0.2) 4£-+ A(t)u = 0 , u(0)eX, Q^tST at in a Banach space X is considered.Here u -u(t) and f(t) are functions from [0, T] to X and A(t) is a function on [0, T] to the set of (in general) unbounded linear operators acting in X a DEFINITION, nit) is called a strict solution of (0.1) or (0.2) in (s, T] if (i) u(t) is strongly continuous in the closed interval [s, T] and is strongly continuously diff erentiable in the semi closed interval (s, Γ], (ii) u(t)eD(A(t)), the domain of A(t), for each te(s, T],(iii) u(t) satisfies (0.1) resp.(0.2) in (s, T], u(s) coinciding with the given initial value at t -s.It is assumed that A(t) for each te[Q, T] satisfies the following conditions.(i) -A(t) generates a semigroup exp(-sA(t)) of operators analytic in the sector | arg s\ < θ, s Φ 0,0 < θ < π/2, (ii) For any complex number 1 satisfying | arg λ \ < π/2 + θ, 0 < 0 < π/2, (dldt)(λ + A(ί))" 1 exists in the operator topology and that there exist constants N and p independent of t and λ with N > 0 9 0 ^ p <1 such that The main result proved in the paper can be stated as follows.If, in addition to the above assumptions, Aψ)-1 e C n+α [0, T] in the uniform operator topology, B(t), a bounded operator for each ίe[0, Γ] is of class C n ~^[0 9 T], and f(t)e O-1+ ?[0,T] in the strong topology, then the unique strict solution u(t) of 4^ + (A(t) + B(t))u = /(t) , u(0) G X. 0 ^ t g Γ belongs to the class C n+8 [s θ9 T], s 0 > 0 arbitrary, δ > 0 depending on α, β 9 γ and /o.In this no assumption regarding the constancy of the domain D(A(t)) is made.